Emeriti Welfare Committee
- James Boggan, Co-Chair
- Ines Hernandez-Avila, Co-Chair
The Committee membership shall consist of the Chair, three members of the Emeriti Association and one member for the UC Davis Retiree's Association (UCDRA). The Chair of the Academic Senate Emeriti Committee or her/his designee shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Committee.
The primary mission of the Emeriti Welfare Committee is to review, consider and advise on matters concerned with the rights and privileges of emeriti/ae and their post-employment rights and benefits. Specific committee duties include but are not limited to:
- Monitoring policies developed by the campus and by systemwide administration to ensure that the interests of emeriti/ae are represented and, where appropriate, incorporated into the policies
- Investigating cases where emeriti/ae believe their rights and privileges have not been honored and attempting to resolve the issues by working with appropriate campus offices
Current Committee Actions
Memo RE: Health Insurance Subsidy September 15, 2017
Retiree Health Benefits Program Consultation (September 8, 2017)
(our apologies that the slides view sideways)
Committee Report
Under the leadership of Tom Rost and Theodore (Ted) De Jong, the committee met with Vice Provost for Information and Education to discuss survivor’s needs to access their spouses’ IT accounts and how to facilitate that. There is a process for that. There appears to be no process for accessing the deceased emeriti’s computers. They also met with Academic Senate chair and staff to discuss the same issues and to coordinate AS Welfare committee with EA welfare committee. A proposal is being considered to formalize the membership of the EA welfare committee chair as a member of the AS Welfare committee. Rost and De Jong also met with the
Faculty Advisor to the Chancellor to address these issues and come to a resolution – in process.