Video Records Interviews - Alphabetical

Since 1993, the UCDEA Video Records Project has been creating an oral history of the UC Davis campus by recording interviews of emeriti/ae as well as others who have made significant contributions to the development of the university.

Using your web browser "Find" function, you may search by name or department to find the Episode number. Videos are available for viewing in the Special Collections department of Shields Library. As they become available, links to view the videos on our YouTube channel will be added to this list.

A - D - G - J - M - P - S - V

A – B – C

Abbott, Ursula K.Avian Sciences93
Akesson, Norman B.Biological and Agricultural Engineering178
Alder, Henry L.Mathematics22
Algazi, RalphElectrical and Computer Engineering249
Allard, RobertAgronomy & Range Science, Genetics101
Allen, Thomas L.Chemistry37
Amerine, Maynard A.Viticulture & Enology20
Anderson, DanWildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology472 - 2018
Anderson, DavidBotany394
Anderson, GaryAnimal Science308
Andrews, Lawrence J.Chemistry10
Ardans, AlexSchool of Veterinary Medicine412 - 2015
Armistead, Samuel GSpanish and Portuguese370
Ashton, Floyd M.Botany188
Axelrod, Daniel I.Botany, Geology19
Ayer, John D.School of Law382
Bacon, Oscar G.Entomology66
Bailey, Pat 469 - 2018
Baldwin, R. LeeAnimal Science191
Bamforth, CharlesFood Science and Technology493
Barbour, Michael GPlant Sciences337
Barnette, DavidMathematics318
Barrett, Jr., Edward L.School of Law15
Bath, Donald L.Animal Science193
Bauer, ArnoldHistory306
Bauer, HerbertMedicine273
Benisek, William F.School of Medicine283
Benson, DonaldMathematics390
Berglund, LarsBiomedical Research and School of Medicine511
Berman, Larry 359
Bernauer, Edmund M.Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior226
Bernd, Clifford AGerman and Russian365
Bernhard, ToniSchool of Law460 - 2018
Berry, AllisonPlant Sciences503
Biberstein, Ernst L.Veterinary Medicine186
Biggart, Nicole by Robert SmileyGraduate School of Management481 - 2019
Biggs, RobertPhysical Education448 - 2017
Black, Arthur L.Biochemistry122
Blacker, Kay H.School of Medicine256
Blake, BobSpanish and Portuguese506
Blanchard, J. RichardLibrary6
Bliss, Fredrick A.Plant Sciences254
Bloch, Robert S.Music291
Block, FredSociology467 - 2018
Bohart, Richard O.Entomology61
Bolt, Robert J.Medicine119
Bond, Theodore E.Biological and Agricultural Engineering223
Bonner, Bruce A.Botany185
Boorkman, Jo AnneLibrary456 - 2018
Borges, CarlosMathematics309
Bossart, William H.Philosophy217
Bowsky, William M.History97
Bradford, G. EricAnimal Science120
Bradford, KentPlant Sciences524 - 2023
Brantley, Cynthia LHistory351
Breidenbach, R. W.Agronomy & Range Science190
Bringhurst, Royce S.Pomology65
Brody, DavidHistory184
Brownstein, AlanSchool of Law421 - 2015
Bruch, CarolSchool of Law395
Bruening, GeorgePlant Pathology439 - 2016
Brzeski, AndrzejEconomics286
Burton, VernEntomology197
Butler, Edward E.Plant Pathology215
Cahill, ThomasPhysics58
Cala, PeterSchool of Medicine424 - 2016
Campbell, Dave by Dennis PendletonUniversity Extension, Human & Community Development486 - 2019
Cannon, Jo AnnFrench and Italian372
Cardiff, RobertPathology471 - 2018
Carlson, Gary P.School of Veterinary Medicine282
Carmen, HoyAgricultural and Resource Economics422 - 2015
Carter, EverettEnglish35
Carter, Harold O.Agricultural and Resource Economics278
Castelfranco, Paul A.Botany73
Castro, GriseldaStudent Affairs407
Cech, Joseph JWildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology405
Cello, Robert M.Veterinary Medicine17
Chakerian, G. DonaldMathematics281
Chalupa, Leo M.Neurobio Physio, and Behavior520
Chancellor, William J.Biological and Agricultural Engineering175
Chandler, Micheal B. by Calvin HandyFire Chief491 - 2020
Chang, Robert S.School of Medicine269
Chason, RobertHealth System310
Chaykin, SterlingBiochemistry and Biophysics48
Chen, XiaomeiChinese Literature and Culture522
Christensen, Richard M.Applied Science500
Clawson, JamesAgronomy and Range Science368
Clegg, JamesThe Bodega Marine Laboratory323
Cole, RonaldWildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology473 - 2018
Colvin, Harry W.Animal Science130
Conn, Eric E.Biochemistry and Biophysics16
Conn, Eric / Stumpf, PaulBiochemistry and Biophysics12
Cordy, Donald R.Pathology164
Costantini, EdmondPolitical Science75
Craig, Paul PApplied Sciences366
Cramer, James C.Social Sciences320
Cramer, Richard D.Home Economics, Art30
Crampton, BeecherAgronomy & Range Science99
Crosby, Donald G.Agricultural Toxicology100
Crowe, John H.Molecular and Cellular Biology311
Crowley, Daniel J.Art, Anthropology27
Crummey, Robert O.History74
Curry, Fitz-RoySchool of Medicine403 - 2014

D – E – F

Davis, ElizabethUniversity Writing Program516 - 2023
Davis, MichaelPlant Pathology425 - 2016
Davis, Rebecca by Jo Anne BoorkmanLibrarian492 - 2020
DeJong, TheodorePlant Sciences463 - 2018
Delwiche, Constant C.Soils and Plant Nutrition13
Demment, MontaguePlant Sciences457 - 2018
DeVay, James E.Plant Pathology62
deVere White, Ralph by Fitzroy (Roy) CurryUrology483
DiTomaso, JosephPlant Sciences454 - 2017
Dobie, John B.Agricultural Engineering194
Dobris, JoelSchool of Law381
Doi, Roy HMolecular and Cellular Biology338
Dorf, Richard C.Graduate School of Management108
Downie, Robert S. 147
Drost, MaartenSchool of Veterinary Medicine380
Duniway, John M.Plant Pathology263
Dunkley, Walter L.Food Science and Technology167
Dunning, HarrisonSchool of Law344
Dutton, ThomasAdministrative Units: Student Affairs418 - 2015
Dykstra, Daniel J.Law School63
Eisele, John H.Anesthesiology227
Eldridge, BruceEntomology196
Elmore, ClydeBotany401
Enders, Allen C.Cell Biology and Human Anatomy206
English, Harley W.Plant Pathology111
Epstein, EmanuelLand, Air, and Water Resources78
Erickson, Glen W.Physics72
Falk, Richard H.Plant Biology285
Feeney, Robert E.Food Science and Technology85
Fetzer, John F.German213
Finney, GailGerman and Comparative Literature531
Fleischer, Manfred P.History277
Flocchini, RobertLand, Air, and Water Resources358
Fogg, GrahamLand, Air, and Water Resources505
Fong, ChingPhysics502
Fong, Mary H.Art and Art History248
Ford, GaryElectrical and Computer Engineering398
Fowler, Murray E.School of Veterinary Medicine112
Fowler, William M.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation205
Franks, RobertStudent Affairs389
Freedland, Richard A.Molecular Biosciences55
French, Benjamin C.Ag & Resource Economics275
Fridley, Robert B.Biological and Agricultural Engineering141
Friedman, Joel I.Philosophy270
Fujimoto, IsaoAsian American Studies110

G – H – I

NameDepartmentEpisode Number/Year
Gable, Richard W.Political Science18
Gable, Richard W.Political Science34
Gabor, Andrew J.School of Medicine268
Gall, Graham A. E.Animal Science252
Gardner, Murray B.School of Veterinary Medicine251
Garoyan, LeonAgricultural and Resource Economics339
Garrett, Roger J.Biological and Agricultural Engineering105
Gary, Norman E.Entomology90
Geng, ShuAgronomy and Range Science369
George, MelvinAgronomy and Range Science423 - 2015
Ghausi, MohammedElectrical and Computer Engineering400
Gibbs, Donald A.East Asian Studies345
Giedt, Warren H.Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering244
Gietzen, DorothyAnatomy, Physiology and Cell Biology317
Glassburner, J. BruceEconomics33
Goldman, Charles R.Environmental Sciences118
Goldman, MarvinVeterinary Medicine153
Goldman, Shirley A.Mathematics40
Goldstein, ElliotSchool of Medicine258
Goodnight, JamesSurgery513
Goss, John R.Biological and Agricultural Engineering124
Green, Melvin M.Molecular and Cellular Biology4
Greenwood, MRCNutrition and Internal Medicine494
Grey, Robert D.Medical Center, Executive Vice Chancellor231
Grieshop, JamesHuman Ecology386
Grigarick, Albert A.Entomology177
Grivette, Lewis ENutrition336
Grix, LindaLibrary474 - 2018
Grossman, GeorgeSchool of Law328
Grotjahn, RichardLand, Air, and Water Resources501
Groth, Alexander J.Political Science293
Gubler, DouglasPlant Pathology447 - 2017
Gulyassy, PaulInternal Medicine437 - 2016
Hackett, Bruce M.Sociology284
Hagan, Robert M.Land, Air, and Water Resources145
Hagen, WilliamHistory374
Hakimi, S. LouisComputer Science237
Halsted, CharlesInternal Medicine, Nutrition 
Hamilton, JanetAdministrative and Resource Management315
Handy, CalvinChief of Police490 - 2019
Harris, AngelaSchool of Law452 - 2017
Harris, RichardEnvironmental Horticulture7
Harrison, Albert (Al) A.Psychology303
Hart, BenjaminSchool of Veterinary Medicine408 - 2014
Harvey, SallyHuman Resources430 - 2016
Hawkes, Glenn R.Applied Behavioral Sciences46
Hayden, John O.English208
Hays, Peter L.English292
Hedrick, JerryMolecular and Cellular Biology324
Henderson, Jerald M.Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering290
Henderson, S. MiltonBiological and Agricultural Engineering189
Hess, Charles E.Environmental Horticulture82
Heusner, Alfred A.Veterinary Medicine171
Higgins, Charles G.Earth and Planetary Sciences221
Hildebrand, MiltonEvolution and Ecology163
Hing, Bill OngSchool of Law496
Hillyer, TedEngineering and Material Science367
Hjerpe, Charles A.School of Veterinary Medicine250
Hoermann, Roland W.German52
Hoffman, Michael J.English179
Holdstock, Richard SAdministrative Units: Finance, Operations and Administration, Safety Services343
Holoman, D. KernMusic402
Hopmans, Jan W. by Thomas HarterLAWR/Hydrology479 - 2019
Horowitz, JohnNeurobiology, Physiology and Behavior445 - 2017
Howard, Walter E."Howdy"Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology159
Howitt, RichardAgricultural and Resource Economics432 - 2016
Hsiao, TheodoreLand, Air, and Water Resources385
Hufftaker, Ray C.Agronomy & Range Science260
Hull, MauryMechanical and Aerospace Engineering514
Hungate, Robert E.Microbiology8
Hunter, Robert L.Medicine, Human Anatomy157
Huntington, Gordon L.Land, Air, and Water Resources121
Hurley, Edward J.School of Medicine271
Imwinkelried, EdwardSchool of Law461 - 2018
Ingraham, John L.Viticulture and Enology, Bacteriology42

J – K – L

NameDepartmentEpisode Number/Year
Jackman, Alan PChemical Engineering and Materials Science363
Jackson, TurrentineHistory56
Jackson, William M.Chemistry319
Jacobson, David L.History87
Johnston, Warren E.Agricultural and Resource Economics262
Jolly, DesmondAgricultural and Resource Economics435 - 2016
Judson, CharlesEntomology133
Jungerman, John A.Physics26
Kader, Adel HPlant Sciences335
Kado, Clarence I.Plant Pathology299
Kaneko, Jiro "Jerry"Veterinary Medicine216
Kemper, John D.College of Engineering113 - 1999
Kennedy, IanMechanical and Aeronautical504
Kennedy, Peter C.Veterinary Medicine158
Kenney, MartinCommunity and Regional Development537
Kerr, ClarkChancellor of UC Berkeley, President of the University of California68
Kerr, RobertStudent Affairs389
Kester, Dale E.Pomology182
Kjelstrom, JudithMolecular and Cellular Biology508
Klein, BarryPhysics428 - 2016
Ko, WinstonPhysics414 - 2015
Kofranek, Anton M.Environmental Horticulture274
Kohl, Harry C.Environmental Horticulture25
Kratzer, HowardAvian Science, Animal Science127
Krebs, EdwinBiochemistry59
Kreissman, BernLibrary146
Krone, Ray B.Civil Engineering114
Kunkee, Ralph E.Viticulture and Enology161
Kurowski, Gary J.Mathematics209
Kusch, ManfredFrench and Italian334
Laben, Robert C.Animal Science174
Lacy, Charles A.University Extension235
Lacy, WilliamHuman Ecology529
Laidlaw, HarryEntomology67
Lakey, GyongyDesign331
Lamar, GerdChemistry510
Lang, Norma J.Botany71
Lange, Harry W.Entomology54
Larock, BruceCivil and Environmental Engineering325
Lauchli, AndreLand, Air, and Water Resources378
Learn, ElmerAgricultural Economics43
Leighton, Robert L.Veterinary Medicine180
Leiser, Andrew T.Landscape Horticulture; Environmental Horticulture272
Lemert, Edwin M.Sociology60
Leon Siantz, Mary LouSchool of Nursing526 - 2023
Levitt, Karl by Matt BishopComputer Science495 - 2020
Lewis, Ernest L.Urology247
Lewis, Evelyn by Joel DobrisLaw484 - 2019
Lewis, MichaelFood Science and Technology134
Lindert, PeterEconomics440 - 2016
Lofland, Lyn H.Social Sciences302
Loge, FrankSchool of Medicine392
Loomis, Robert S.Agronomy and Range Science301
Lorenz, Fredrick W.Plant Pathology150
Lotter, WillPhysical Education86
Low, Donald G.Veterinary Medicine144
Lyman, DonaldPublic Health Sciences462 - 2018
Lyons, James M.Plant Sciences155

M – N – O

NameDepartmentEpisode Number/Year
MacCannell, DeanHuman Ecology, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design459 - 2018
MacDonald, JamesPlant Pathology406
MacKenzie, Malcolm R.Medical Oncology230
Macleod, Dianne SArt and Art History353
Maggenti, Armand R.Nematology129
Malmgren, Terri Lyn by Rebecca DavisLibrary478 - 2019
Mann, Susan LHistory347
Manoliu, MariaFrench and Italian, Linguistics314
Marble, Vern L.Agronomy & Range Science192
Marler, Peter R.Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior109
Marr, Allen G.Bacteriology44
Marsh, YvonneAdministrative Units: Student Affairs420 - 2015
Martel, CharlesComputer Science427 - 2016
Martin, George C.Pomology266
Martin, PhilipAgricultural and Resource Economics433 - 2016
Martucci, Virginia MLearning Center354
Mason, William A.Psychology, Primate Center81
Mathews, Robert A.Geology187
Matthews, DennisApplied Science, Biomedical Engineering466 - 2018
Mawdsley, Katherine F.Library166
Mayhew, Leon H.Sociology36
McCalla, Alex F.Ag & Resource Economics, GSM98
McCalla, Alex F.Graduate School of Management, Dean321
McCapes, RichardSchool of Veterinary Medicine450 - 2017
McConnell, WinderGerman and Russian371
McCorkle, Chester O.Agricultural Economics80
McCoy, Ben JChemical Engineering and Materials Science364
McCoy, William F.Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior115
McKillop, Allan AAgricultural Engineering; Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering375
McKinney, Charles L.Student Health Center238
Meagher, Dennis M.Equine Surgery239
Mench, JoyAnimal Science507
Mendel, Verne E.Animal Science, Animal Physiology70
Mendoza, SallyPsychology470 - 2018
Meredith, CaroleViticulture and Enology304
Metcalf, BarbaraHistory399
Meyer, James H.Animal Science41
Meyer, Margaret E.Veterinary Public Health92
Micke, Warren C.Plant Sciences169
Millam, JamesAnimal Sciences521 - 2023
Miller, Martin W.Food Science and Technology204
Miller, Milton A.Zoology89
Minnis, Douglas L.Education131
Mircetich, John S.N.Plant Pathology210
Mitchell, F. GordonPomology225
Montoya, MalaquiasChicana/Chicano Studies360
Moores, Eldridge M.Earth and Planetary Sciences242
Morris, Leonard L.Vegetable Crops170
Mount, JeffreyEarth and Planetary Sciences426 - 2016
Moyle, PeterWildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology455 - 2017
Mukherjee, Amiya KChemical Engineering and Materials Science341
Munir, ZuhairChemical Engineering and Materials Science410 - 2014
Murphy, James J.Rhetoric21
Murphy, James J.English148
Murphy, SandraEducation379
Murphy, TerryBotany384
Musker, W. KennethChemistry312
Nash, Charles P.Chemistry38
Nevins, Donald JVegetable Crops, Plant Science415 - 2015
Nichols, BarbaraOffice of the Chancellor and Provost383
Noble, Ann C.Viticulture and Enology255
Nosek, Stan 
Part 1
Part 2
Student Affairs389
Oakley, JohnSchool of Law446/2017
Olmo, Harold P.Viticulture and Enology88
Olmstead, Alan LEconomics348
Olsen, Helge B.Environmental Design259
Osburn, BennieSchool of Veterinary Medicine404
Osebold, John W.Veterinary Medicine173
Ough, CorneliusViticulture and Enology294

P – Q – R

NameDepartmentEpisode Number/Year
Page, RobEntomology and Nematology509
Palmer, John C. by Ernest L. LewisUrology489 - 2019
Palmer, Phillip E.S.Radiology219
Parker, Harold R.Physiology176
Parnas, RaymondSchool of Law326
Parsons, GibbeSchool of Medicine465 - 2018
Pearl, Robert C.Food Science and Technology125
Peek, NealPhysics57
Pendleton, DennisExtension, Department of Human Ecology458 - 2018
Perschbacher, RexSchool of Law444 - 2017
Phaff, Herman J.Food Science2
Phillips, Anthony FSchool of Medicine, Pediatrics441 - 2016
Pickett, WarrenPhysics515 - 2023
Plant, RichardPlant Sciences361
Pomeroy, Ralph S.Communication218
Poppino, Rollie E.History103
Poulos, JohnSchool of Law417 - 2015
Pratt, Harlan K.Vegetable Crops76
Price, DonHistory347
Price, EdAnimal Science539
Pritchard, William R.Veterinary Medicine95
Prout, TimothyEntomology and Nematology289
Pruitt, William O.Land, Air, and Water Resources181
Qualset, Calvin OPlant Sciences362
Quiros, CarlosPlant Sciences357
Rabin, Edward H.Law School228
Radke, KathrynAnimal Science519
Rains, BillAgronomy and Range Science350
Ramey, Melvin R.Civil and Environmental Engineering261
Ramos, David D.Pomology245
Rappaport, LawrenceVegetable Crops, Plant Growth Laboratory123
Raski, Dewey J.Entomology and Nematology106
Reid, MichaelEnvironmental Horticulture413 - 2015
Reisenauer, H. MichaelLand, Air, and Water Resources236
Renkin, Eugene M.School of Medicine267
Reynoso, CruzSchool of Law387
Rhode, Edward A.School of Veterinary Medicine116
Richerson, PeterEnvironmental Science and Policy449 - 2017
Rick, Charles M.Vegetable Crops3
Riemann, Hans P.Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine234
Risling, DavidNative American Studies212
Roberts, WarrenArboretum436 - 2017
Robertson, DavidEnglish346
Rochin, Refugio I.Chicana/Chicano Studies300
Rock, Peter A.Chemistry287
Roller LynnArt History528
Rolston, DennisLand Air and Water Resources442 - 2016
Romani, RogerPomology128
Romstad, Karl M.Civil and Environmental Engineering139
Rosen, Jerome W.Music11
Rosenwald, Arnold "Rosie"Veterinary Medicine240
Roser, Janet FayAnimal Science536
Rost, ThomasBotany316
Rothstein, MortonHistory84
Rousas, GeorgeStatistics434/2016
Rucker, RobertNutrition391
Rudd, Robert L.Zoology50
Rutger, J. NeilPlant Sciences377
Ryan, E. DeanPhysical Education142
Ryugo, KayPlant Sciences183

S – T – U

NameDepartmentEpisode Number/Year
Sachs, Roy M.Environmental Horticulture102
Sallee, G. ThomasMathematics313
Salt, George W.Zoology53
Samaniego, FrankStatistics431 - 2016
Sammern, FritzGerman and Russian305
Sandoval, JonEducation409 - 2014
Sassenrath, EthelBehavioral Biology24
Sassenrath, JuliusEducation132
Schenker, MarcPublic Health Sciences451 - 2017
Schiesari, JulianaItalian518
Schleiner, WinfriedEnglish373
Schmalenberger, Herbert A.Physical Education288
Scholey, Jonathan (Jon)Molecular and Cellular Biology487 - 2019
Schneemen, BarbaraNutrition396
Schroeder, Edward D.Engineering138
Schutz, Howard G.Food Science and Technology199
Schwabe, Calvin W.Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine31
Schwartz, MortimerSchool of Law327
Sehnert, DanAnimal Science517
Seiber, JamesFood Science and Technology388
Sellers-Young, BarbaraTheatre and Dance530
Shakleford, JamesChemical Engineering and Materials Science397
Shank, TheodoreTheater28
Shapiro, ArtEvolution and Ecology533
Shen, C. K.Civil and Environmental Engineering253
Sherwood, Morgan B.History107
Shideler, James H.History6
Silk, WendyLand Air and Water Resources419 - 2015
Silva, JosephSchool of Medicine393
Simmons, DanielSchool of Law411 - 2014
Sims, William L.Vegetable Crops154
Singer, Michael JLand Air and Water Resources416 - 2015
Singleton, Vernon L.Viticulture and Enology152
Skinner, JoAnEducation376
Skinner, Maynard C.Student Affairs69
Small, Arthur C.Vice Chancellor of Business and Finance45
Smiley, Robert HGraduate School of Management332
Smith, Arthur H.Avian Science83
Smith, Bradford PSchool of Veterinary Medicine340
Smith, F. WilsonHistory29
Smith, JamesLaw476
Smith, Joe M.Food Science and Technology, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science246
Smith, Joe M.Chemical Engineering and Materials Science279
Smith, Victoria (Vicki)Sociology482 - 2019
Sochor, James L.Physical Education172
Sokolow, AlvinHuman and Community Development429 - 2016
Sommer, RobertPsychology257
Soohoo, Ronald F.Electrical and Computer Engineering156
Sosnick, Stephen S.Ag & Resource Economics276
Southard, RandyLand, Air, and Water Resources498
Stabb, Jo Ann C.Design265
Stanton, MaureenEvolution and Ecology480 - 2019
Stebbins, G. LedyardGenetics1
Stein, Sherman K.Mathematics39
Steward, Margaret S.Psychiatry149
Stowell, Robert E.Pathology211
Stratton, Maril and Laurie Lewis and Pat Bailey 469 - 2018
Stumpf, Paul K.Biochemistry and Biophysics14
Suran, Jerome J.Graduate School of Management243
Swain, DonaldHistory202
Swift, Richard G.Music5
Talley, Wilson K.Applied Science64
Tanji, Kenneth J.Land, Air, and Water Resources168
Tappel, ALoys L.Food Science and Technology135
Tchobanolglous, GeorgeEngineering222
Thayer, Robert L.Environmental Design264
Theilen, Gordon H.School of Veterinary Medicine280
Thompson, Orville E.Applied Behavioral Sciences49
Thomson, Marcia H. 241
Thorp, Robbin W.Entomology198
Toreson, Wilfred E.School of Medicine296
Traill, David AClassics352
Troy, Frederic (Rick) by Joe TupinBiochemistry and Molecular Medicine485 - 2019
Tucker, John M.Botany91
Tuma, Elias H.Economics117
Tupin, Joe P.Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences47
Tupper, C. JohnCommunity Medicine and International Health79
Tyler, Walter S.Veterinary Medicine233
Ustin, SusanLand Air and Water Resources497
Utts, JessicaStatistics512
Uyemoto, Jerry K.Plant Pathology322

V – W – X – Y – Z

NameDepartmentEpisode Number/Year
Valentine, RaymondPlant Sciences453 - 2017
Van Alfen, NeilPlant Pathology438 - 2016
Van Kessel, ChrisPlant Sciences463 - 2018
Vemuri, RaoComputer Science525 - 2023
Villarejo, Merna RMolecular and Cellular Biology349
Vohs, John L.Communication200
Volman, David H.Chemistry23
Walker, Harry O.Land, Air, and Water Resources137
Wall, Carol S.Anthropology, Student Affairs307
Wallacker, Benjamin E.Chinese51
Walters, Richard F.Computer Sciences229
Walton, JohnSociology477
Washino, Robert K.Entomology140
Watt, Kenneth E. F.Zoology, Environmental Studies96
Webb, A. DinsmoorViticulture and Enology104
Webster, Grady L.Botany, Director of the Arboretum115
Webster, Robert K.Plant Pathology297
Wegge, Leon L.Economics195
Weir, William C.Animal Science32
Welch, MaryaPhysical Education160
Wells, KennethPlant Biology295
Werner, Emmy E.Human Ecology162
Werner, John S.Ophthamalogy535
West, Martha SSchool of Law330
Wheat, J. DonVeterinary Medicine224
Wheelis, Mark LMicrobiology and Molecular Genetics355
Whitaker, JohnFood Science and Technology126
Whitaker, StevenChemical Engineering and Materials Science298
Wiggins, Alvin D.Statistics220
Williams, Hibbard E.Internal Medicine143
Willis, F. RoyHistory232
Wilson, Wilbur O.Avian Sciences136
Wolfman, Earl F.Surgery207
Wolk, Bruce ASchool of Law333
Wong, Ming M.Parasitology214
Wright, Celeste T.English9
Yang, Shang-faVegetable Crops77
Yates, Wesley E.Biological and Agricultural Engineering201
Yeh, YinApplied Sciences356
York, George K.Food Science and Technology203
Young, TrumanPlant Sciences527
York, Ruth B.French94
Zane, NolanMissing Department468 - 2018
Zender, Karl F.English329
Zeronian, S. HaigTextile and Clothing165