Video Records Interviews - Alphabetical
Since 1993, the UCDEA Video Records Project has been creating an oral history of the UC Davis campus by recording interviews of emeriti/ae as well as others who have made significant contributions to the development of the university.
Using your web browser "Find" function, you may search by name or department to find the Episode number. Videos are available for viewing in the Special Collections department of Shields Library. As they become available, links to view the videos on our YouTube channel will be added to this list.
Name | Department | Episode/Year |
Abbott, Ursula K. | Avian Sciences | 93 |
Akesson, Norman B. | Biological and Agricultural Engineering | 178 |
Alder, Henry L. | Mathematics | 22 |
Algazi, Ralph | Electrical and Computer Engineering | 249 |
Allard, Robert | Agronomy & Range Science, Genetics | 101 |
Allen, Thomas L. | Chemistry | 37 |
Amerine, Maynard A. | Viticulture & Enology | 20 |
Anderson, Dan | Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology | 472 - 2018 |
Anderson, David | Botany | 394 |
Anderson, Gary | Animal Science | 308 |
Andrews, Lawrence J. | Chemistry | 10 |
Ardans, Alex | School of Veterinary Medicine | 412 - 2015 |
Armistead, Samuel G | Spanish and Portuguese | 370 |
Ashton, Floyd M. | Botany | 188 |
Axelrod, Daniel I. | Botany, Geology | 19 |
Ayer, John D. | School of Law | 382 |
Bacon, Oscar G. | Entomology | 66 |
Bailey, Pat | 469 - 2018 | |
Baldwin, R. Lee | Animal Science | 191 |
Bamforth, Charles | Food Science and Technology | 493 |
Barbour, Michael G | Plant Sciences | 337 |
Barnette, David | Mathematics | 318 |
Barrett, Jr., Edward L. | School of Law | 15 |
Bath, Donald L. | Animal Science | 193 |
Bauer, Arnold | History | 306 |
Bauer, Herbert | Medicine | 273 |
Benisek, William F. | School of Medicine | 283 |
Benson, Donald | Mathematics | 390 |
Berglund, Lars | Biomedical Research and School of Medicine | 511 |
Berman, Larry | 359 | |
Bernauer, Edmund M. | Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior | 226 |
Bernd, Clifford A | German and Russian | 365 |
Bernhard, Toni | School of Law | 460 - 2018 |
Berry, Allison | Plant Sciences | 503 |
Biberstein, Ernst L. | Veterinary Medicine | 186 |
Biggart, Nicole by Robert Smiley | Graduate School of Management | 481 - 2019 |
Biggs, Robert | Physical Education | 448 - 2017 |
Black, Arthur L. | Biochemistry | 122 |
Blacker, Kay H. | School of Medicine | 256 |
Blake, Bob | Spanish and Portuguese | 506 |
Blanchard, J. Richard | Library | 6 |
Bliss, Fredrick A. | Plant Sciences | 254 |
Bloch, Robert S. | Music | 291 |
Block, Fred | Sociology | 467 - 2018 |
Bohart, Richard O. | Entomology | 61 |
Bolt, Robert J. | Medicine | 119 |
Bond, Theodore E. | Biological and Agricultural Engineering | 223 |
Bonner, Bruce A. | Botany | 185 |
Boorkman, Jo Anne | Library | 456 - 2018 |
Borges, Carlos | Mathematics | 309 |
Bossart, William H. | Philosophy | 217 |
Bowsky, William M. | History | 97 |
Bradford, G. Eric | Animal Science | 120 |
Bradford, Kent | Plant Sciences | 524 - 2023 |
Brantley, Cynthia L | History | 351 |
Breidenbach, R. W. | Agronomy & Range Science | 190 |
Bringhurst, Royce S. | Pomology | 65 |
Brody, David | History | 184 |
Brownstein, Alan | School of Law | 421 - 2015 |
Bruch, Carol | School of Law | 395 |
Bruening, George | Plant Pathology | 439 - 2016 |
Brzeski, Andrzej | Economics | 286 |
Burton, Vern | Entomology | 197 |
Butler, Edward E. | Plant Pathology | 215 |
Cahill, Thomas | Physics | 58 |
Cala, Peter | School of Medicine | 424 - 2016 |
Campbell, Dave by Dennis Pendleton | University Extension, Human & Community Development | 486 - 2019 |
Cannon, Jo Ann | French and Italian | 372 |
Cardiff, Robert | Pathology | 471 - 2018 |
Carlson, Gary P. | School of Veterinary Medicine | 282 |
Carmen, Hoy | Agricultural and Resource Economics | 422 - 2015 |
Carter, Everett | English | 35 |
Carter, Harold O. | Agricultural and Resource Economics | 278 |
Castelfranco, Paul A. | Botany | 73 |
Castro, Griselda | Student Affairs | 407 |
Cech, Joseph J | Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology | 405 |
Cello, Robert M. | Veterinary Medicine | 17 |
Chakerian, G. Donald | Mathematics | 281 |
Chalupa, Leo M. | Neurobio Physio, and Behavior | 520 |
Chancellor, William J. | Biological and Agricultural Engineering | 175 |
Chandler, Micheal B. by Calvin Handy | Fire Chief | 491 - 2020 |
Chang, Robert S. | School of Medicine | 269 |
Chason, Robert | Health System | 310 |
Chaykin, Sterling | Biochemistry and Biophysics | 48 |
Chen, Xiaomei | Chinese Literature and Culture | 522 |
Christensen, Richard M. | Applied Science | 500 |
Clawson, James | Agronomy and Range Science | 368 |
Clegg, James | The Bodega Marine Laboratory | 323 |
Cole, Ronald | Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology | 473 - 2018 |
Colvin, Harry W. | Animal Science | 130 |
Conn, Eric E. | Biochemistry and Biophysics | 16 |
Conn, Eric / Stumpf, Paul | Biochemistry and Biophysics | 12 |
Cordy, Donald R. | Pathology | 164 |
Costantini, Edmond | Political Science | 75 |
Craig, Paul P | Applied Sciences | 366 |
Cramer, James C. | Social Sciences | 320 |
Cramer, Richard D. | Home Economics, Art | 30 |
Crampton, Beecher | Agronomy & Range Science | 99 |
Crosby, Donald G. | Agricultural Toxicology | 100 |
Crowe, John H. | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 311 |
Crowley, Daniel J. | Art, Anthropology | 27 |
Crummey, Robert O. | History | 74 |
Curry, Fitz-Roy | School of Medicine | 403 - 2014 |
Name | Department | Episode/Year |
Davis, Elizabeth | University Writing Program | 516 - 2023 |
Davis, Michael | Plant Pathology | 425 - 2016 |
Davis, Rebecca by Jo Anne Boorkman | Librarian | 492 - 2020 |
DeJong, Theodore | Plant Sciences | 463 - 2018 |
Delwiche, Constant C. | Soils and Plant Nutrition | 13 |
Demment, Montague | Plant Sciences | 457 - 2018 |
DeVay, James E. | Plant Pathology | 62 |
deVere White, Ralph by Fitzroy (Roy) Curry | Urology | 483 |
DiTomaso, Joseph | Plant Sciences | 454 - 2017 |
Dobie, John B. | Agricultural Engineering | 194 |
Dobris, Joel | School of Law | 381 |
Doi, Roy H | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 338 |
Dorf, Richard C. | Graduate School of Management | 108 |
Downie, Robert S. | 147 | |
Drost, Maarten | School of Veterinary Medicine | 380 |
Duniway, John M. | Plant Pathology | 263 |
Dunkley, Walter L. | Food Science and Technology | 167 |
Dunning, Harrison | School of Law | 344 |
Dutton, Thomas | Administrative Units: Student Affairs | 418 - 2015 |
Dykstra, Daniel J. | Law School | 63 |
Eisele, John H. | Anesthesiology | 227 |
Eldridge, Bruce | Entomology | 196 |
Elmore, Clyde | Botany | 401 |
Enders, Allen C. | Cell Biology and Human Anatomy | 206 |
English, Harley W. | Plant Pathology | 111 |
Epstein, Emanuel | Land, Air, and Water Resources | 78 |
Erickson, Glen W. | Physics | 72 |
Falk, Richard H. | Plant Biology | 285 |
Feeney, Robert E. | Food Science and Technology | 85 |
Fetzer, John F. | German | 213 |
Finney, Gail | German and Comparative Literature | 531 |
Fleischer, Manfred P. | History | 277 |
Flocchini, Robert | Land, Air, and Water Resources | 358 |
Fogg, Graham | Land, Air, and Water Resources | 505 |
Fong, Ching | Physics | 502 |
Fong, Mary H. | Art and Art History | 248 |
Ford, Gary | Electrical and Computer Engineering | 398 |
Fowler, Murray E. | School of Veterinary Medicine | 112 |
Fowler, William M. | Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation | 205 |
Franks, Robert | Student Affairs | 389 |
Freedland, Richard A. | Molecular Biosciences | 55 |
French, Benjamin C. | Ag & Resource Economics | 275 |
Fridley, Robert B. | Biological and Agricultural Engineering | 141 |
Friedman, Joel I. | Philosophy | 270 |
Fujimoto, Isao | Asian American Studies | 110 |
Name | Department | Episode Number/Year |
Gable, Richard W. | Political Science | 18 |
Gable, Richard W. | Political Science | 34 |
Gabor, Andrew J. | School of Medicine | 268 |
Gall, Graham A. E. | Animal Science | 252 |
Gardner, Murray B. | School of Veterinary Medicine | 251 |
Garoyan, Leon | Agricultural and Resource Economics | 339 |
Garrett, Roger J. | Biological and Agricultural Engineering | 105 |
Gary, Norman E. | Entomology | 90 |
Geng, Shu | Agronomy and Range Science | 369 |
George, Melvin | Agronomy and Range Science | 423 - 2015 |
Ghausi, Mohammed | Electrical and Computer Engineering | 400 |
Gibbs, Donald A. | East Asian Studies | 345 |
Giedt, Warren H. | Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering | 244 |
Gietzen, Dorothy | Anatomy, Physiology and Cell Biology | 317 |
Glassburner, J. Bruce | Economics | 33 |
Goldman, Charles R. | Environmental Sciences | 118 |
Goldman, Marvin | Veterinary Medicine | 153 |
Goldman, Shirley A. | Mathematics | 40 |
Goldstein, Elliot | School of Medicine | 258 |
Goodnight, James | Surgery | 513 |
Goss, John R. | Biological and Agricultural Engineering | 124 |
Green, Melvin M. | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 4 |
Greenwood, MRC | Nutrition and Internal Medicine | 494 |
Grey, Robert D. | Medical Center, Executive Vice Chancellor | 231 |
Grieshop, James | Human Ecology | 386 |
Grigarick, Albert A. | Entomology | 177 |
Grivette, Lewis E | Nutrition | 336 |
Grix, Linda | Library | 474 - 2018 |
Grossman, George | School of Law | 328 |
Grotjahn, Richard | Land, Air, and Water Resources | 501 |
Groth, Alexander J. | Political Science | 293 |
Gubler, Douglas | Plant Pathology | 447 - 2017 |
Gulyassy, Paul | Internal Medicine | 437 - 2016 |
Hackett, Bruce M. | Sociology | 284 |
Hagan, Robert M. | Land, Air, and Water Resources | 145 |
Hagen, William | History | 374 |
Hakimi, S. Louis | Computer Science | 237 |
Halsted, Charles | Internal Medicine, Nutrition | |
Hamilton, Janet | Administrative and Resource Management | 315 |
Handy, Calvin | Chief of Police | 490 - 2019 |
Harris, Angela | School of Law | 452 - 2017 |
Harris, Richard | Environmental Horticulture | 7 |
Harrison, Albert (Al) A. | Psychology | 303 |
Hart, Benjamin | School of Veterinary Medicine | 408 - 2014 |
Harvey, Sally | Human Resources | 430 - 2016 |
Hawkes, Glenn R. | Applied Behavioral Sciences | 46 |
Hayden, John O. | English | 208 |
Hays, Peter L. | English | 292 |
Hedrick, Jerry | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 324 |
Henderson, Jerald M. | Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering | 290 |
Henderson, S. Milton | Biological and Agricultural Engineering | 189 |
Hess, Charles E. | Environmental Horticulture | 82 |
Heusner, Alfred A. | Veterinary Medicine | 171 |
Higgins, Charles G. | Earth and Planetary Sciences | 221 |
Hildebrand, Milton | Evolution and Ecology | 163 |
Hing, Bill Ong | School of Law | 496 |
Hillyer, Ted | Engineering and Material Science | 367 |
Hjerpe, Charles A. | School of Veterinary Medicine | 250 |
Hoermann, Roland W. | German | 52 |
Hoffman, Michael J. | English | 179 |
Holdstock, Richard S | Administrative Units: Finance, Operations and Administration, Safety Services | 343 |
Holoman, D. Kern | Music | 402 |
Hopmans, Jan W. by Thomas Harter | LAWR/Hydrology | 479 - 2019 |
Horowitz, John | Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior | 445 - 2017 |
Howard, Walter E."Howdy" | Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology | 159 |
Howitt, Richard | Agricultural and Resource Economics | 432 - 2016 |
Hsiao, Theodore | Land, Air, and Water Resources | 385 |
Hufftaker, Ray C. | Agronomy & Range Science | 260 |
Hull, Maury | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering | 514 |
Hungate, Robert E. | Microbiology | 8 |
Hunter, Robert L. | Medicine, Human Anatomy | 157 |
Huntington, Gordon L. | Land, Air, and Water Resources | 121 |
Hurley, Edward J. | School of Medicine | 271 |
Imwinkelried, Edward | School of Law | 461 - 2018 |
Ingraham, John L. | Viticulture and Enology, Bacteriology | 42 |
Name | Department | Episode Number/Year |
Jackman, Alan P | Chemical Engineering and Materials Science | 363 |
Jackson, Turrentine | History | 56 |
Jackson, William M. | Chemistry | 319 |
Jacobson, David L. | History | 87 |
Johnston, Warren E. | Agricultural and Resource Economics | 262 |
Jolly, Desmond | Agricultural and Resource Economics | 435 - 2016 |
Judson, Charles | Entomology | 133 |
Jungerman, John A. | Physics | 26 |
Kader, Adel H | Plant Sciences | 335 |
Kado, Clarence I. | Plant Pathology | 299 |
Kaneko, Jiro "Jerry" | Veterinary Medicine | 216 |
Kemper, John D. | College of Engineering | 113 - 1999 |
Kennedy, Ian | Mechanical and Aeronautical | 504 |
Kennedy, Peter C. | Veterinary Medicine | 158 |
Kenney, Martin | Community and Regional Development | 537 |
Kerr, Clark | Chancellor of UC Berkeley, President of the University of California | 68 |
Kerr, Robert | Student Affairs | 389 |
Kester, Dale E. | Pomology | 182 |
Kjelstrom, Judith | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 508 |
Klein, Barry | Physics | 428 - 2016 |
Ko, Winston | Physics | 414 - 2015 |
Kofranek, Anton M. | Environmental Horticulture | 274 |
Kohl, Harry C. | Environmental Horticulture | 25 |
Kratzer, Howard | Avian Science, Animal Science | 127 |
Krebs, Edwin | Biochemistry | 59 |
Kreissman, Bern | Library | 146 |
Krone, Ray B. | Civil Engineering | 114 |
Kunkee, Ralph E. | Viticulture and Enology | 161 |
Kurowski, Gary J. | Mathematics | 209 |
Kusch, Manfred | French and Italian | 334 |
Laben, Robert C. | Animal Science | 174 |
Lacy, Charles A. | University Extension | 235 |
Lacy, William | Human Ecology | 529 |
Laidlaw, Harry | Entomology | 67 |
Lakey, Gyongy | Design | 331 |
Lamar, Gerd | Chemistry | 510 |
Lang, Norma J. | Botany | 71 |
Lange, Harry W. | Entomology | 54 |
Larock, Bruce | Civil and Environmental Engineering | 325 |
Lauchli, Andre | Land, Air, and Water Resources | 378 |
Learn, Elmer | Agricultural Economics | 43 |
Leighton, Robert L. | Veterinary Medicine | 180 |
Leiser, Andrew T. | Landscape Horticulture; Environmental Horticulture | 272 |
Lemert, Edwin M. | Sociology | 60 |
Leon Siantz, Mary Lou | School of Nursing | 526 - 2023 |
Levitt, Karl by Matt Bishop | Computer Science | 495 - 2020 |
Lewis, Ernest L. | Urology | 247 |
Lewis, Evelyn by Joel Dobris | Law | 484 - 2019 |
Lewis, Michael | Food Science and Technology | 134 |
Lindert, Peter | Economics | 440 - 2016 |
Lofland, Lyn H. | Social Sciences | 302 |
Loge, Frank | School of Medicine | 392 |
Loomis, Robert S. | Agronomy and Range Science | 301 |
Lorenz, Fredrick W. | Plant Pathology | 150 |
Lotter, Will | Physical Education | 86 |
Low, Donald G. | Veterinary Medicine | 144 |
Lyman, Donald | Public Health Sciences | 462 - 2018 |
Lyons, James M. | Plant Sciences | 155 |
Name | Department | Episode Number/Year |
MacCannell, Dean | Human Ecology, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design | 459 - 2018 |
MacDonald, James | Plant Pathology | 406 |
MacKenzie, Malcolm R. | Medical Oncology | 230 |
Macleod, Dianne S | Art and Art History | 353 |
Maggenti, Armand R. | Nematology | 129 |
Malmgren, Terri Lyn by Rebecca Davis | Library | 478 - 2019 |
Mann, Susan L | History | 347 |
Manoliu, Maria | French and Italian, Linguistics | 314 |
Marble, Vern L. | Agronomy & Range Science | 192 |
Marler, Peter R. | Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior | 109 |
Marr, Allen G. | Bacteriology | 44 |
Marsh, Yvonne | Administrative Units: Student Affairs | 420 - 2015 |
Martel, Charles | Computer Science | 427 - 2016 |
Martin, George C. | Pomology | 266 |
Martin, Philip | Agricultural and Resource Economics | 433 - 2016 |
Martucci, Virginia M | Learning Center | 354 |
Mason, William A. | Psychology, Primate Center | 81 |
Mathews, Robert A. | Geology | 187 |
Matthews, Dennis | Applied Science, Biomedical Engineering | 466 - 2018 |
Mawdsley, Katherine F. | Library | 166 |
Mayhew, Leon H. | Sociology | 36 |
McCalla, Alex F. | Ag & Resource Economics, GSM | 98 |
McCalla, Alex F. | Graduate School of Management, Dean | 321 |
McCapes, Richard | School of Veterinary Medicine | 450 - 2017 |
McConnell, Winder | German and Russian | 371 |
McCorkle, Chester O. | Agricultural Economics | 80 |
McCoy, Ben J | Chemical Engineering and Materials Science | 364 |
McCoy, William F. | Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior | 115 |
McKillop, Allan A | Agricultural Engineering; Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering | 375 |
McKinney, Charles L. | Student Health Center | 238 |
Meagher, Dennis M. | Equine Surgery | 239 |
Mench, Joy | Animal Science | 507 |
Mendel, Verne E. | Animal Science, Animal Physiology | 70 |
Mendoza, Sally | Psychology | 470 - 2018 |
Meredith, Carole | Viticulture and Enology | 304 |
Metcalf, Barbara | History | 399 |
Meyer, James H. | Animal Science | 41 |
Meyer, Margaret E. | Veterinary Public Health | 92 |
Micke, Warren C. | Plant Sciences | 169 |
Millam, James | Animal Sciences | 521 - 2023 |
Miller, Martin W. | Food Science and Technology | 204 |
Miller, Milton A. | Zoology | 89 |
Minnis, Douglas L. | Education | 131 |
Mircetich, John S.N. | Plant Pathology | 210 |
Mitchell, F. Gordon | Pomology | 225 |
Montoya, Malaquias | Chicana/Chicano Studies | 360 |
Moores, Eldridge M. | Earth and Planetary Sciences | 242 |
Morris, Leonard L. | Vegetable Crops | 170 |
Mount, Jeffrey | Earth and Planetary Sciences | 426 - 2016 |
Moyle, Peter | Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology | 455 - 2017 |
Mukherjee, Amiya K | Chemical Engineering and Materials Science | 341 |
Munir, Zuhair | Chemical Engineering and Materials Science | 410 - 2014 |
Murphy, James J. | Rhetoric | 21 |
Murphy, James J. | English | 148 |
Murphy, Sandra | Education | 379 |
Murphy, Terry | Botany | 384 |
Musker, W. Kenneth | Chemistry | 312 |
Nash, Charles P. | Chemistry | 38 |
Nevins, Donald J | Vegetable Crops, Plant Science | 415 - 2015 |
Nichols, Barbara | Office of the Chancellor and Provost | 383 |
Noble, Ann C. | Viticulture and Enology | 255 |
Nosek, Stan Part 1 Part 2 | Student Affairs | 389 |
Oakley, John | School of Law | 446/2017 |
Olmo, Harold P. | Viticulture and Enology | 88 |
Olmstead, Alan L | Economics | 348 |
Olsen, Helge B. | Environmental Design | 259 |
Osburn, Bennie | School of Veterinary Medicine | 404 |
Osebold, John W. | Veterinary Medicine | 173 |
Ough, Cornelius | Viticulture and Enology | 294 |
Name | Department | Episode Number/Year |
Page, Rob | Entomology and Nematology | 509 |
Palmer, John C. by Ernest L. Lewis | Urology | 489 - 2019 |
Palmer, Phillip E.S. | Radiology | 219 |
Parker, Harold R. | Physiology | 176 |
Parnas, Raymond | School of Law | 326 |
Parsons, Gibbe | School of Medicine | 465 - 2018 |
Pearl, Robert C. | Food Science and Technology | 125 |
Peek, Neal | Physics | 57 |
Pendleton, Dennis | Extension, Department of Human Ecology | 458 - 2018 |
Perschbacher, Rex | School of Law | 444 - 2017 |
Phaff, Herman J. | Food Science | 2 |
Phillips, Anthony F | School of Medicine, Pediatrics | 441 - 2016 |
Pickett, Warren | Physics | 515 - 2023 |
Plant, Richard | Plant Sciences | 361 |
Pomeroy, Ralph S. | Communication | 218 |
Poppino, Rollie E. | History | 103 |
Poulos, John | School of Law | 417 - 2015 |
Pratt, Harlan K. | Vegetable Crops | 76 |
Price, Don | History | 347 |
Price, Ed | Animal Science | 539 |
Pritchard, William R. | Veterinary Medicine | 95 |
Prout, Timothy | Entomology and Nematology | 289 |
Pruitt, William O. | Land, Air, and Water Resources | 181 |
Qualset, Calvin O | Plant Sciences | 362 |
Quiros, Carlos | Plant Sciences | 357 |
Rabin, Edward H. | Law School | 228 |
Radke, Kathryn | Animal Science | 519 |
Rains, Bill | Agronomy and Range Science | 350 |
Ramey, Melvin R. | Civil and Environmental Engineering | 261 |
Ramos, David D. | Pomology | 245 |
Rappaport, Lawrence | Vegetable Crops, Plant Growth Laboratory | 123 |
Raski, Dewey J. | Entomology and Nematology | 106 |
Reid, Michael | Environmental Horticulture | 413 - 2015 |
Reisenauer, H. Michael | Land, Air, and Water Resources | 236 |
Renkin, Eugene M. | School of Medicine | 267 |
Reynoso, Cruz | School of Law | 387 |
Rhode, Edward A. | School of Veterinary Medicine | 116 |
Richerson, Peter | Environmental Science and Policy | 449 - 2017 |
Rick, Charles M. | Vegetable Crops | 3 |
Riemann, Hans P. | Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine | 234 |
Risling, David | Native American Studies | 212 |
Roberts, Warren | Arboretum | 436 - 2017 |
Robertson, David | English | 346 |
Rochin, Refugio I. | Chicana/Chicano Studies | 300 |
Rock, Peter A. | Chemistry | 287 |
Roller Lynn | Art History | 528 |
Rolston, Dennis | Land Air and Water Resources | 442 - 2016 |
Romani, Roger | Pomology | 128 |
Romstad, Karl M. | Civil and Environmental Engineering | 139 |
Rosen, Jerome W. | Music | 11 |
Rosenwald, Arnold "Rosie" | Veterinary Medicine | 240 |
Roser, Janet Fay | Animal Science | 536 |
Rost, Thomas | Botany | 316 |
Rothstein, Morton | History | 84 |
Rousas, George | Statistics | 434/2016 |
Rucker, Robert | Nutrition | 391 |
Rudd, Robert L. | Zoology | 50 |
Rutger, J. Neil | Plant Sciences | 377 |
Ryan, E. Dean | Physical Education | 142 |
Ryugo, Kay | Plant Sciences | 183 |
Name | Department | Episode Number/Year |
Sachs, Roy M. | Environmental Horticulture | 102 |
Sallee, G. Thomas | Mathematics | 313 |
Salt, George W. | Zoology | 53 |
Samaniego, Frank | Statistics | 431 - 2016 |
Sammern, Fritz | German and Russian | 305 |
Sandoval, Jon | Education | 409 - 2014 |
Sassenrath, Ethel | Behavioral Biology | 24 |
Sassenrath, Julius | Education | 132 |
Schenker, Marc | Public Health Sciences | 451 - 2017 |
Schiesari, Juliana | Italian | 518 |
Schleiner, Winfried | English | 373 |
Schmalenberger, Herbert A. | Physical Education | 288 |
Scholey, Jonathan (Jon) | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 487 - 2019 |
Schneemen, Barbara | Nutrition | 396 |
Schroeder, Edward D. | Engineering | 138 |
Schutz, Howard G. | Food Science and Technology | 199 |
Schwabe, Calvin W. | Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine | 31 |
Schwartz, Mortimer | School of Law | 327 |
Sehnert, Dan | Animal Science | 517 |
Seiber, James | Food Science and Technology | 388 |
Sellers-Young, Barbara | Theatre and Dance | 530 |
Shakleford, James | Chemical Engineering and Materials Science | 397 |
Shank, Theodore | Theater | 28 |
Shapiro, Art | Evolution and Ecology | 533 |
Shen, C. K. | Civil and Environmental Engineering | 253 |
Sherwood, Morgan B. | History | 107 |
Shideler, James H. | History | 6 |
Silk, Wendy | Land Air and Water Resources | 419 - 2015 |
Silva, Joseph | School of Medicine | 393 |
Simmons, Daniel | School of Law | 411 - 2014 |
Sims, William L. | Vegetable Crops | 154 |
Singer, Michael J | Land Air and Water Resources | 416 - 2015 |
Singleton, Vernon L. | Viticulture and Enology | 152 |
Skinner, JoAn | Education | 376 |
Skinner, Maynard C. | Student Affairs | 69 |
Small, Arthur C. | Vice Chancellor of Business and Finance | 45 |
Smiley, Robert H | Graduate School of Management | 332 |
Smith, Arthur H. | Avian Science | 83 |
Smith, Bradford P | School of Veterinary Medicine | 340 |
Smith, F. Wilson | History | 29 |
Smith, James | Law | 476 |
Smith, Joe M. | Food Science and Technology, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science | 246 |
Smith, Joe M. | Chemical Engineering and Materials Science | 279 |
Smith, Victoria (Vicki) | Sociology | 482 - 2019 |
Sochor, James L. | Physical Education | 172 |
Sokolow, Alvin | Human and Community Development | 429 - 2016 |
Sommer, Robert | Psychology | 257 |
Soohoo, Ronald F. | Electrical and Computer Engineering | 156 |
Sosnick, Stephen S. | Ag & Resource Economics | 276 |
Southard, Randy | Land, Air, and Water Resources | 498 |
Stabb, Jo Ann C. | Design | 265 |
Stanton, Maureen | Evolution and Ecology | 480 - 2019 |
Stebbins, G. Ledyard | Genetics | 1 |
Stein, Sherman K. | Mathematics | 39 |
Steward, Margaret S. | Psychiatry | 149 |
Stowell, Robert E. | Pathology | 211 |
Stratton, Maril and Laurie Lewis and Pat Bailey | 469 - 2018 | |
Stumpf, Paul K. | Biochemistry and Biophysics | 14 |
Suran, Jerome J. | Graduate School of Management | 243 |
Swain, Donald | History | 202 |
Swift, Richard G. | Music | 5 |
Talley, Wilson K. | Applied Science | 64 |
Tanji, Kenneth J. | Land, Air, and Water Resources | 168 |
Tappel, ALoys L. | Food Science and Technology | 135 |
Tchobanolglous, George | Engineering | 222 |
Thayer, Robert L. | Environmental Design | 264 |
Theilen, Gordon H. | School of Veterinary Medicine | 280 |
Thompson, Orville E. | Applied Behavioral Sciences | 49 |
Thomson, Marcia H. | 241 | |
Thorp, Robbin W. | Entomology | 198 |
Toreson, Wilfred E. | School of Medicine | 296 |
Traill, David A | Classics | 352 |
Troy, Frederic (Rick) by Joe Tupin | Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine | 485 - 2019 |
Tucker, John M. | Botany | 91 |
Tuma, Elias H. | Economics | 117 |
Tupin, Joe P. | Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences | 47 |
Tupper, C. John | Community Medicine and International Health | 79 |
Tyler, Walter S. | Veterinary Medicine | 233 |
Ustin, Susan | Land Air and Water Resources | 497 |
Utts, Jessica | Statistics | 512 |
Uyemoto, Jerry K. | Plant Pathology | 322 |
Name | Department | Episode Number/Year |
Valentine, Raymond | Plant Sciences | 453 - 2017 |
Van Alfen, Neil | Plant Pathology | 438 - 2016 |
Van Kessel, Chris | Plant Sciences | 463 - 2018 |
Vemuri, Rao | Computer Science | 525 - 2023 |
Villarejo, Merna R | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 349 |
Vohs, John L. | Communication | 200 |
Volman, David H. | Chemistry | 23 |
Walker, Harry O. | Land, Air, and Water Resources | 137 |
Wall, Carol S. | Anthropology, Student Affairs | 307 |
Wallacker, Benjamin E. | Chinese | 51 |
Walters, Richard F. | Computer Sciences | 229 |
Walton, John | Sociology | 477 |
Washino, Robert K. | Entomology | 140 |
Watt, Kenneth E. F. | Zoology, Environmental Studies | 96 |
Webb, A. Dinsmoor | Viticulture and Enology | 104 |
Webster, Grady L. | Botany, Director of the Arboretum | 115 |
Webster, Robert K. | Plant Pathology | 297 |
Wegge, Leon L. | Economics | 195 |
Weir, William C. | Animal Science | 32 |
Welch, Marya | Physical Education | 160 |
Wells, Kenneth | Plant Biology | 295 |
Werner, Emmy E. | Human Ecology | 162 |
Werner, John S. | Ophthamalogy | 535 |
West, Martha S | School of Law | 330 |
Wheat, J. Don | Veterinary Medicine | 224 |
Wheelis, Mark L | Microbiology and Molecular Genetics | 355 |
Whitaker, John | Food Science and Technology | 126 |
Whitaker, Steven | Chemical Engineering and Materials Science | 298 |
Wiggins, Alvin D. | Statistics | 220 |
Williams, Hibbard E. | Internal Medicine | 143 |
Willis, F. Roy | History | 232 |
Wilson, Wilbur O. | Avian Sciences | 136 |
Wolfman, Earl F. | Surgery | 207 |
Wolk, Bruce A | School of Law | 333 |
Wong, Ming M. | Parasitology | 214 |
Wright, Celeste T. | English | 9 |
Yang, Shang-fa | Vegetable Crops | 77 |
Yates, Wesley E. | Biological and Agricultural Engineering | 201 |
Yeh, Yin | Applied Sciences | 356 |
York, George K. | Food Science and Technology | 203 |
Young, Truman | Plant Sciences | 527 |
York, Ruth B. | French | 94 |
Zane, Nolan | Missing Department | 468 - 2018 |
Zender, Karl F. | English | 329 |
Zeronian, S. Haig | Textile and Clothing | 165 |