President's Page
Suad Joseph, President, UCDEA
The UCD Emeriti/ae Association welcomes back our many members from their summer travels and activities. Our officers for the coming year are: President—Suad Joseph; Vice President—William David Wilson; Secretary—Janet Shibamoto-Smith; Treasurer—Merna Villerajo; Members at Large—Robert Powell, Randy Southard, and Martha O’Donnell.
Among the important activities of the summer of 2024, was the celebration of the UC Retiree Center Staff and our Benefits Officers. Our RC staff (Juliane Crowley, Amanda Crisman, and Larry Thao) and the Benefits Officers (Guerren Solbach, Don Goldberg, Sudesh Prasad, Jacob Martinez, Elia Rodriguez, Michelle Younger, Noreen Gaitan, Nicolas Robledo, Emmy Saelee) were all awarded STAR Awards for their outstanding service over the past several years, in the face of Covid, and in the transition to UCOP’s new online platforms. Their work was truly above and beyond the call of duty. The celebration was in the home of Suad Joseph, attended by Provost Mary Croughan who gave out the awards, and administrative leadership, including Vice Chancellor Clare Shinnerl.
Our first major activity of the 2024-2025 academic year is the second annual UCDEA Executive Committee Retreat. This year it will be October 10, 9-3pm in the AGR room of the Alumni Center. The Retreat will review the work of last year, make plans for the coming year, and consider proposals for new projects.
UCD Emeriti/ae Association continued critical work over the summer focusing the surveys of UC Davis emeriti/ae. In Spring, 2024, the Membership Committee (co-chairs William David Wilson and Warren Pickett), working in collaboration with the respective Deans, completed the emeriti/ae surveys of the College of Letters and Sciences, School of Law, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, and the School of Veterinary Medicine. During the Summer of 2024, the committee, working with the
respective Deans, carried out surveys of emeriti/ae of Engineering, Education, Medicine, Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Management, and the Library. Units with a very small number of emeriti/ae were not included in this round of the survey. The results have been finalized, will be presented at the UCDEA Retreat and then posted on the UCDEA website.
One of the outcomes of working with the Deans of the colleges and schools for the surveys, is the planning of emeriti/ae specific events, on a college/school basis. The first is co-organized with the Dean of the College of Letters and Sciences, a Luncheon for L&S emeriti/ae, November 22. Invitations will go out in a week.
The UCDEA and the UCD Retiree Association have co-planned a number of events for the coming year. The first is a tour of the Gorman Museum, October 24, including a lite lunch. See RC Newsletter to sign up.
We continue our Coffee Hours with campus leaders at 9 am the second Thursday of every month, just before our Executive Committee meeting. Among the campus leaders lined up: Dean Jessica Berg, School of Law, November 14; Dean H. Rao Unnava, Graduate School of Management, January 9; Dean Estella Atekwana College of Letters and Sciences, February 13; Vice Chancellor of Research Simon Atkinson, May 8.
The UCDEA Awards Committee has released the calls for the Distinguished Emeriti Award, the Founders Award, and the UCDEA Grants Awards.
Below is the list of committee co-chairs for 2024-2025. To volunteer as a member of one of these committees, contact Robert G Flocchini or Carole Joffe Committee co-chairs will report on their work for 2023-2024 at the May meeting.
2024-2025 Committee Co-Chairs (Appointed):
- Archive Committee: Don Price and Judy Janes
- Awards and Recognition: Anne Britt and Lynn Roller
- By Laws: Jo Anne Boorkman and Suad Joseph
- Manual Committee: Jo Anne Boorkman
- Committee on Committees: Robert Flocchini and Carole Joffe
- Communications and Outreach: Christopher Reynolds and James McClain
- Emeriti Welfare: Ted DeJong and Tom Rost
- Fundraising Committee: Vice President
- Membership: William David Wilson and Warren Pickett
- Program: Lydia Howell and Ted Margadant
- Video Records: Alan Jackman and Yin Yeh
UCD Emeriti ID Cards are easily available!! These Emeriti ID Cards replace your Faculty ID Cards, and carry significant benefits, including access to campus resources such as the library and the Activities and Recreation Center (ARC), as well as discounts at campus venues such as the Mondavi Center. The straightforward procedure for ordering the card is given, along with other useful links, at
An extensive, and sometimes pleasantly surprising, list of emeriti Privileges and Benefits is available at
Obtaining membership in the Emeriti Association ensures notification of EA activities and the opportunity to become involved in emeriti welfare of many sorts including EA committees, see
MANUAL: UCDEA Manual will be updated right after the May meeting:
VOLUNTEER: UCDEA is always welcoming emeriti volunteers who would like to join committees
and engage in projects. Let us know if you would like to volunteer for a committee or activity. Join us!!
DO A VIDEO: We now have completed 530 video records of emeriti – the largest such file of any UC
campus. If you are interested in recording your story on video, contact Alan Jackman or Yin Yeh