Program and Agenda Committee
- Lydia Howell, Tri-Chair
- Ted Margadant, Tri-Chair
- Xiaomei, Tri-Chair
The primary function of the Program Committee is to arrange for a program of speakers and other suitable presentations for the enlightenment and/or the entertainment of members.
Specific Program Committee duties include:
- Identifying and scheduling speakers and other similar presentations on a monthly basis to coincide with the meetings of the Board of Directors. Traditionally, the December program has been a performance of the Davis High School Madrigal Choir and the committee is encouraged to continue this performance, if possible. Other programs of this sort might also merit consideration.
- Identifying and scheduling speakers for the fall and winter meetings of the Retirees’ Association and other presentations.
- Ensuring that information on the above programs is distributed to UCDEA and the UCDRA memberships.
- Assisting in arranging for any technical support (e.g., audio-visual equipment, etc.) that may be needed for a given presentation.
- Arranging for one or more committee members to serve as host for the presenter(s) on the day of their presentation and make the necessary introductions.
- Arranging for coffee and tea for the attendees at the noon luncheons.
Committee Composition
This is a joint committee. It should be comprised of a minimum of six members, three each chosen from the Emeriti Association and the Retirees’ Association.
Committee Report
Under the leadership of Ralph De Vere White, working with President Suad Joseph and Retiree Center Director Juliane Crowley, and UCDRA, a number of programs have been organized for emeriti/retirees and the public. The Brain Food talks are typically at noon and have continued to be hybrid. Carole Joffe, winner of the UCDEA Distinguished Emeriti Award presented a lecture on November 14, 2023. Barbara Sellers-Young presented an in-person lecture on January 9, on zoom. In addition, the Retiree Center organizes a number of events on social security and health benefits. The Retiree Center, in partnership with UCDEA/RA, organizes the Fall New Retiree Reception and Resource Fair in October and the Resource Fair in March. In addition, the Holiday Celebration luncheon is always well attended. The Retiree Center holds a book club event every six weeks for retirees and emeriti. The virtual book club started in August of 2020. UCDEA/RA leadership meet monthly with the UCD Retiree Center leadership to plan activities for the month and the year – including such events as the resource fairs, the holiday celebrations. This year, UCDEA and RA, along with the Retiree Center hosted the October 25-26, 2023 CUCRA/CUCEA meeting at Davis. It was a hybrid event.