Past Awards
- Larry Berman, PhD: A Slow Walk with Death: The Lingering Legacy of Agent Orange
- Caren Kaplan, PhD: The Fabric of War: WWII Camouflage, Artists, and Civil Defense
- Christopher Reynolds, PhD: A biography, provisionally entitled Carrie Jacobs Bond: Songwriter, Poet, Entrepreneur
- Gerald Kost, MD, PhD: 21st Century Critical Limits for Emergency Notification, Decision Making, and Treatment
- Martha Macri, PhD: Towards a Decipherment of the Isthmian Script
- Susan Gilson Miller, PhD: Out of Morocco: Transnational Networks and the Post-War Exodus of Moroccan Jewry (1948-1962)
- Roberta Millstein, PhD: Incorporating Ecocentrism in Conservation Biology
- Anna Maria Busse Berger, PhD: Between Orality and Literacy: Music in the Moravian Missions, 1732-1950
- Ann Savageau, MFA: Guardians: the Jump Start of A Traveling Exhibition
- Leslie Woods, DVM, PhD: Exposure of the Channel Island foxes (Urocyon littoralis) to Organochlorine Contaminants in Ocean Food Web and Association with Health Factors Affecting Island Fox Populations
- Howard Ferris, PhD.: Continued Development and Maintenance of Nemaplex: an online source of information on the biology, ecology, and management of plant and soil nematodes.
- Fredric Gorin, MD: Mechanisms by which Peripheral Inflammation Drives Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease
- Halifu Osumare, PhD.: The Personal Is Political Dancing in Blackness II: From Hula to Hip-hop in the Afrofuture
- Suad Joseph, Anthropology and Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies: "Gendered and Cultural Framework for Refugee Mental Health: The Arab Crisis"
- Robert "Bob" Rucker, Nutrition: "Pyrroloquinoline quinone: Additional studies related to its physiological importance"
- Gyöngy Laky, Art: "Preparing for the Unexpected: The Life and Art of Gyöngy Laky"
- Caroline Chantry, Pediatrics: “Strengthening Babies Through Mobile Health”
- Anthony Philipps, School of Medicine: “Pediatric Heart Disease Training in Haiti”
- Peter Hays: "Subsidization of Publication of Reading The Old Man and the Sea"
- Martha Macri: "Investigating the Origins and Cultural Evolution of Human Communication Systems: Comparing Two Early Scripts from Mexico and Central America"
- Frederic Troy: "Chain Length of Polysialic Acid Chains on Adult Neural Stem Cells from Spiral Ganglion Neurons"
Brian Higgins: "Production of an Interactive/Multimedia iBook for UC Davis Undergraduate Class in Chemical Engineering"
- Gerald Kost: "Preparedness for Highly Infectious Threats (Ebola virus disease, MERS-CoV, others): Environmental Robustness of Point-of-Care (POC) WBC and Differential Counts Used in Early Detection"
- Bruce Lyeth: "Importance of Glutamate Oxaloacetate Transaminase (GOT-1) Serum Levels in TBI"
- Roy Bellhorn: "Vascular permeability of the snake's spectacle during ecdysis"
- Nicole Woolsey Biggart: "Energy: How energy organizes social life"
- John Meeks: "Microscopic documentation of protein localization and motility behavior in filaments of the symbiotic cyanobacterium N. punctiforme"
- Dennis Wilson: "Translational application of quantitative digital microscopy to patients in veterinary medicine"
- Dan Anderson: "Age and Cranial-Ossification/Bone Density Characteristics in Brown Pelicans: Potential Applications for Demographic and Nutritional Analyses"
- Hugh Dingle: "Monarchs in the Pacific: Is Contemporary Evolution Occurring on an Isolated Island?"
- Martha Macri: "Cultural Evolution of Human Communication Systems: Investigating Linguistic Diversity and Social Change with Mayan Hieroglyphic Writing"
- Peter Schiffman: "Support for Joint Undergraduate/Graduate Studies on Assessing the Geothermal Potential of the Modoc Plateau in Northeast California"
William Jackson, Chemistry: "The Study of VUV Photochemistry on N2 and CO using Seeded Molecular Beams in He"
- Bill Lasley, School of Medicine: "Determining the Role of Circulating Progesterone to Increase Negative Mood"
- James Murphy, English: "To Complete a Book Now in Progress, titled ‘The Gentlemen’s Rhetoric of Obediah Walker, 1616-1699’"
- Cal Qualset, Plant Sciences: "Diversity Analyses of Landrace Ropulations of Wheat from Turkey and Iran and Maize from Mexico"
- George Bruening: "Exploring Plant Pathways in the Recognition of Virus Invasion"
- Robert Rucker: "The Chemical Properties of a Novel Dietary Biofactor: Pyrroloquinoline Quinone"
- James Seiber: "Reducing the Risk from Toxic Compounds in Foods"
- Yin Yeh: "Initiating Research toward Understanding the Molecular Mechanism of the Onset of Alzheimer’s Disease"
- Peter Hays: "Continued Research on Hemingway"
- Don Price: "Song Jiaoren and China's Political Culture"
- Kurt Kreith: "Mathematics, Technology, and the Secondary School Curriculum"
- Charles Halsted: "The Epigenetic Regulation of Development Alcoholic Liver Disease"
Robert Derlet and Charles Goldman: “Analysis of Microbial and Planktonic Communities in Small Sierra Nevada Lakes and Streams”
- Karen M. Reiser: "Diagnosis of Skin Cancer Using Second Harmonic Generation Imaging: Ancillary Data”
- Robbin W. Thorp: “Franklin’s Bumble Bee, Bombus franklini (Frison): Research Needed on this Species of Special Concerns”
- Emmanuel Epstein: "Silicon in Biomass for Energy"
- Verne Mendel: "Centennial Video History Project"
- Richard Walters: "Workshop series on teaching, learning, and technology"