Committee on Committees


  • Robert Flocchini, Tri-Chair
  • Carole Joffe, Tri-Chair
  • Joann Cannon, Tri-Chair


The Committee on Committees serves as the nominating committee for the UC Davis Emeriti Association. Specific Committee duties include:

  • Preparing a slate of nominees for the various offices of the Emeriti Association and at-large members of the Executive Committee prior to the annual business meeting which is to published in the spring issue of Campus Connections. It is then presented to the annual business meeting at which officers for the next year will be elected based on the slate and any nominations from the floor.
  • Serving as a consultant to the Executive Committee on replacements for at-large members who are unable to complete their terms of office.
  • Identifying the Chairs and membership of the Standing Committees for the following year.  These recommendations will be presented to the Executive Committee prior to the business meeting.  Committees will be appointed by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee and reported at the annual business meeting.

Additional Details on Operating Procedures

  • The committee is expected to have representation from the fine arts, humanities, sciences, social sciences, and professional schools on the Executive Committee.
  • The winter issue of the Campus Connections should contain an invitation for members to recommend candidates for elective office to the Chair of the Committee on Committees. 
  • As a practical manner, the standing committees have been considered to be continuing bodies.  Hence, recommended changes in membership typically results from a request by a committee or its chair(s) either (a) to add/delete the names of specified persons to the given committee’s  roster of members or (b) to find willing new committee members.

Committee Report

Under the leadership of Klea Bertakis and Barry Klein, the CoC spent a good part of the 2023 recruiting replacements for committees whose chairs or members had turned over, and in recruiting nominees for the May 2023 election of officers. Their outstanding work filled committee slots, recruited new members to join committees, and completed the slate for the election of officers for 2023-2025.