UCD Emeriti Association Clipboard

The UCD Emeriti Association (UCDEA) Executive Committee met in a day-long retreat on October 12 to consider planning for our emeriti and the UCD community. A number of exciting new projects emerged, as well as rethinking on-going programs. Below is a brief summary of some of the day’s key decisions. This column will regularly bring you information on UCDEA events and planning and discuss the below points in greater detail as they develop.

  1. November 14, noon, Alumni Center, the Brain Food Talks series will feature Carole Joffe (Sociology), the 2022-2023 winner of the Distinguished Emeriti Award. Light lunch included. January 9, noon, virtual Brain Food Talk by Barbara Sellers-Young, Art. April 16, noon, Alumni Center, Brain Food Talk by Key Dewey, Nutrition.
  2. April 2024 (date to be decided) will bring back the much beloved tradition of the Chancellor’s luncheon for UCD Emeriti (all invited).
  3. UCDEA will pilot an experimental program across the campus to build either school/college based chapters or liaisons with UCDEA. Several Deans have already endorsed the project and pledged their support. The first step will be a school/college-based survey of emeriti to inquire about their needs, wishes or suggestions for UCDEA, their schools/colleges or departments. Analysis of the responses will lead to planning.
  4. The Video Records Committee boasts 525 completed interviews with UCD emeriti. It has expanded its committee, welcomes more members, and invites emeriti who would be interested in telling the story of their years at UCD. It is the first such project in the UC system.
  5. UCDEA website will be going through revision. Communications and Outreach committee welcomes suggestions and volunteers to help with this project.
  6. We continue our close cooperation with the UCD Retiree Association and the UCD Retiree Center. UCD stands out within the UC system for its close collaboration with UCDRA and UCDRC.
  7. Membership will continue to be at the low price of $25 annually and $200 for life-time membership. Currently we have over 400 members out of the ~1600 UCD emeriti. We look forward to more members joining as we appear to have among the most vigorous emeriti associations in the UC system.

Questions or suggestions: Contact: Suad Joseph, President, UCDEA sjoseph@ucdavis.edu