Event Date

Dear Colleague,

We are writing to issue a call for nominations for the 2024-2025 Constantine Panunzio Distinguished Emerita/us Award. Created by a bequest from Professor Constantine Panunzio of UCLA, the award honors outstanding scholarly work or educational service (e.g., service in professional, university, Academic Senate, emeriti, departmental, editorial posts or committees) performed since retirement by a University of California Senate emerita or emeritus in the Humanities or Social Sciences. This is a UC-wide prize, so each year there is only one award for all UC campuses.

At the UC Davis campus, the award is administered by the UC Davis Emeriti Association (UCDEA). Deans, department chairs and emeriti/ae for the humanities and social sciences, as well as the provost or comparable officer, are asked to nominate or solicit nominations for this award from their constituent departments. Candidates may also self-nominate.

Nominations must include:

  1. A cover letter outlining the nominee’s distinctive scholarly work and/or educational service since retirement.
  2. A curriculum vitae listing accomplishment since retirement, and
  3. Supporting letters (3-5 references) from leaders in the field, commenting specifically on the nominee’s achievements since retirement.

Nominations are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 15, 2024. Submit all nomination materials to the UC Davis Emeriti Association (UCDEA) Awards and Recognition Committee, care of the UC Davis Retiree Center (retireecenter@ucdavis.edu).

A campus nominee will be determined after review of all nominees by the UCDEA Awards and Recognition committee. Once this nomination has been confirmed by the UCDEA Executive Committee and Vice Provost the full dossier will then be forwarded to the UC-wide Panunzio selection committee by the due date of February 10, 2025.

The Panunzio selection committee will announce the awardee(s). The award, consisting of a cash prize and a certificate, will be presented on the respective campus of the recipient(s) at a program arranged by that campus.

For additional information about this award, please refer to the UC Davis Emeriti Association website:


If you have any questions regarding eligibility or the nomination procedure, please contact UCLA Emeriti Association President, Professor Emeritus Scott Waugh, swaugh@history.ucla.edu.




Phillip Kass

Vice Provost Academic Personnel


Suad Joseph

President, UC Davis Emeriti Association


Anne Britt and Lynn Roller

Co-Chairs, UC Davis Emeriti Association Awards and Recognition Committee